------------------------ BurmaNet --------------
SPECIAL EDITION- UN HEADLINES: SPECIAL RAPPORTEUR TO ********************************************** |
In June 1996, I was appointed by |
the Government and people of Mr. Chairman,
On assuming my mandate, I tried to
a. the electoral process initiated in |
elections of 27 May 1990 has yet to reach
b. many political leaders, in
c. violations of human rights remain
d. the continuing fighting with |
continuing violations of human rights Mr. Chairman,
In October 1996, I submitted an |
received. Mr. Chairman,
Since my appointment in June 1996 |
the Permanent Representative of Mr. Chairman,
I feel bound to record my regret that |
developments described in my reports Mr. Chairman,
Although I have not been able to visit |
information on the situation in Mr. Chairman,
I wish to draw special attention to the |
displaced lose their natural and cultural Mr. Chairman,
I now come to the politico-legal |
should be based on the will of the Mr. Chairman,
In the meantime the suppression of |
the armed forces. Acts of torture or Mr. Chairman,
In conclusion, I have to say with |
concrete sign of improvement. It is Thank you, Mr. Chairman. ************************************* SLORC RESPONSE TO SPECIAL |
From: darnott@gn.apc.org The following statement was made on 9 INTERVENTION BY AMBASSADOR U Mr Chairman,
I would like to respond to the report
Limitation of time constrains me |
mentioned therein; to highlight the
But even a superficial glance at Mr Mr Chairman,
The report just tabled contains
The reports go on to less than |
negative elements, while turning a blind
When this practise of one sided Mr Chairman,
To be more precise, I shall touch on
The charge of non-cooperation has |
any special rapporteur for reasons
In the recent past, high officials of my
In fact, we have when requested, |
will have the opportunity to visit Mr Chairman,
In his reports, and especially in an
From the time of its inception, the |
Governments after the achievement of
guarantees to ensure that a fair trial is
independence. Accordingly, Myanmar
given to every defendant in a court of
continues to have a sound, efficient and
law. There are also safeguards
fair judicial system, with the rule
against the abuses of legal proceedings
of law prevailing in the land, and peace
during trial.
and stability being maintained in
accordance with the provisions of
The conduct of trials and
existing laws.
administration of justice are carried out
in public courts in strict observance of
At present, the Supreme Court and
the basic principles just mentioned.
lower courts of law at State,
The independence of the Judiciary is
Division and Township levels exist to
strictly maintained, and there exist no
administer justice independently
control or influence exercised by the
according to law; to protect and
Government over the administration
safeguard the interests of the people and
of justice by the Judiciary.
to assist in the maintenance of law and
order; to educate the people to
Mr Chairman,
understand and abide by the law; to
work within the framework of the law
Another aspect that the reports
for the settlement of cases; to dispense
elaborate upon is the constitutional
justice in open courts unless otherwise
process transpiring in my country
prohibited by law; to guarantee in all
during the current stage of transition.
cases the right of defense and the
Questions have been raised as to
right to appeal under law; and to aim at
whether this constitutional process will
reforming moral character in meting
indeed lead to the establishment of
out punishment to offenders.
multi-part democracy. In response to
such doubts, I would like to reiterate
The Code of Criminal Procedure and
that the National Convention is being
other relevant laws provide a
convened to take concrete and
comprehensive legal framework and
systematic steps to build a genuine
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multi-party democratic steps to build a
In essence, the National Convention
genuine multi-party democratic state
has reached its halfway point and
in accordance with the aspirations of the
future sessions will be devoted to
people of Myanmar. This Convention
achieve consensus on issues such as the
is a truly representative body
fundamental rights and responsibilities
encompassing representatives from
of citizens, the holding of regular
various political parties legally existing
elections, and the role of political
in the country, representatives of
parties, among others.
national racial groups, the peasants, the
workers, the intelligentsia, the
Hence, when calls for dialogue are
technocrats, and legal experts among
made, our response is that dialogue
others who enjoy the right to freely
is already in progress in the form of the
exchange their views. As such there
National Convention, which for
should exist no doubt as to meaningful
reasons just mentioned is the most
representation and democratic
appropriate forum for dialogue and
procedures in the
consensus building. On the other hand,
there can be no necessity for any
dialogue between the Government and
Consensus has already been achieved
one single political party, at the
in the National Convention on
expense of all other legally existing
issues of primary importance such as
political parties and the over 100
over a hundred fundamental principles
national races who constitute the Union
which will form the basis of the new
of Myanmar.
State Constitution, in addition to
agreements reached on the State, its
Mr Chairman,
basic structure, the Head of State, and
the delineation of the Legislative,
To sum up, we hold the view that the
Executive and Judiciary
reports in question constitute an
attempt to dispense with reality and to
exert political pressure on the
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Government. This exercise is bound to
independence and sovereignty.
be counter-productive for the
promotion and protection of human
Mr Chairman,
rights in my country. I shall accordingly
reject these reports and their contents as
Commenting on his recent trip to the
being irrelevant and merely
region, Mr. Lallah mentioned in his
reflecting the views of those who are
report that the situation in Myanmar is
opposing the Government
so complex and susceptible to so
for reasons unconnected with the issue
many different interpretations. After
of human rights.
reporting thus, I find it most
regrettable that the document should
To us, the issue of human rights
draw simple and misguided conclusions
encompasses much more than legal
out of a complex situation.
arguments, political manipulations and
results of interviews with groups
openly hostile to the good intentions of
the Government. For us human rights
encompasses issues neglected in the
reports, issues such as the right to
April 9, 1997
develop, relying essentially on our own
From: David Arnott
strength and resources, and to
live a life of dignity with adequate food,
clothing and shelter for all.
Statement by U Denzil Abel,
None of these aspects of the right to
member of the Myanmar Observer
development, absolutely none, have
Delegation to the 53rd Session of the
received even superficial mention in the
Commission on Human Rights
reports. Nevertheless, we shall
under Agenda Item 10
continue to endeavour toward the
attainment of such objectives while at
Geneva 9 April 1997 [delivered 10 April]
the same time persevere to protect our
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Mr Chairman,
the outstanding achievements of my
Government. They are in fact misusing
I thank you for giving me the floor
and affording me the opportunity to
noble concepts of human rights as an
inform the Human Rights Commission
instrument to pursue their own hidden
on the situation in my country, the
political agenda.
of Myanmar.
My delegation however has to
emphasize that the outcome of events in
Mr Chairman,
country must necessarily be decided by
In the course of discussion under
its own citizens and not by
Item 10 my delegation has heard some
outsiders, interlopers and opportunists.
passing remarks with reference to the
situation in Myanmar.
My delegation has circulated two
documents No. E/CN.4/1997/123 and
Judging by their remarks I must say
that the speakers are ill-informed
E/CN.4/1997/124. These documents
and are not wholly aware of
aim to dispel the one-sided blinkered
developments taking place in Myanmar.
vision actively promoted and
They are
propagated by proponents of black
unduly influenced by unfounded and
unsubstantiated allegations inspired by
The documents also serve as a primary
motives other than the cause of human
source for delegations interested in
gaining insight into the complexity of
my country and the ongoing progress
My delegation knows All too well
achieved in creating conditions for a
that the sources of these allegations
better life for the people of Myanmar.
are none other than anti-government
forces who are determined to denigrate
Mr Chairman,
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The Myanmar Government accords
The Myanmar Government extended
The sole remnant is the Karen |
governments for almost half a
The current guise of the KNU is to
The KNU is a politically and
The KNU resorts to terrorists 14 of 24 |
even resorted to bomb attacks on places
Five years have elapsed since the
For the people in the Kayin State to
Hundreds of officers and other ranks |
participate in regional development
The so-called "Karen refugee camps"
The Myanmar Government stands
Peace prospects are now bright for
My delegation takes the opportunity 15 of 24 |
Myanmar on human rights:
civil and political rights, developing
countries like Myanmar believe that the
- Myanmar holds the view that
equal prominence should be accorded
countries differ from each other due to
to economic, social and cultural rights.
differences in historical background,
The right to development is
cultural traditions, religion and
especially important to developing
level of development. Culturally and in
terms of perception, there exists a
vast difference between the East and
- It is our belief that community rights
West. By this, we do not mean to infer
should have equal importance, if
that there exist no human rights
not more, than individual rights.
principles applicable to All persons.
Moreover, in times of conflict between
However, divergences can be seen in
individual rights and national interest,
approaches and implementation of
there are situations that call for
human rights practices. At the same
priority to be accorded to the interests of
time, countries or groups of countries
the nation. Each individual
should avoid attempting to impose their
possesses not only rights but also duties
views and values of human rights on
and obligations to his country and
the rest of the international community.
to his society. It is a fact that extreme
practices of individual rights can
- For developing countries like
lead to disorder and unrest. Economic
Myanmar, the most essential and
development and political stability
are interdependent since economic
basic right is to meet the food, clothing
development can be obtained only
and shelter needs and to raise the
during times of political stability.
standards of living of he people.
Similarly, economic development
Without ensuring this basic right, other
contributes toward political stability.
aspects of human rights cannot be
effectively implemented. Although
- As the view, approaches, application
some countries stress the importance of
and implementation of human
16 of 24 |
rights differ from country to county
detrimental and counterproductive to
because of the dissimilarities in
the advancement of human rights.
historical experience, cultural traditions,
religion and level of
Thank you Mr. Chairman
development. Myanmar believes that
implementation of human rights in the
national context should be the
responsibility and competence of each
government. Human rights should not
be used as a pretext for interfering in
April 8, 1997
matters that are essentially within the
From: darnott@iprolink.ch (David
domestic jurisdiction of states. By this, it
does not mean that human rights can be
systematically violated behind the
The following is the paper presented by
barrier of non-interference. What
David Taw, National Democratic
remains paramount is to promote
Front, at the Briefing on Human Rights
human rights through international
in Burma, at the UN Human
cooperation and consensus-building.
Rights Commission in Geneva.
Together with other developing and
non-aligned countries, Myanmar
SLORC Militarism Threatens the
believes that there should be strict
Survival of Non-Burman Ethnic
observance of the principles of
Nationalities in Burma
sovereignty, territorial integrity and
non-interference in the internal
By David Taw
affairs of other States. Myanmar is
National Democratic Front
opposed to the misuse of human rights
April 8, 1997
with political motives, to double
standards and selectivity, and means of
This is my first time participating in the
applying pressure. Such tactics are
meeting of the UN Commission
17 of 24 |
on Human Rights. I am very pleased to I would like to make four main points First, the ethnic nationalities of Burma Second, the civilian populations in |
SLORC army, which has resulted in
Third, the cease-fires between SLORC
Finally, the recent offensive against the
All of these abuses stem from the
FEDERALISM & A POLITICAL It is a significant fact that almost all of SLORC often claims that their task is to SLORC has often said that Burma will |
become the next Bosnia unless
In 1990, the ethnic nationalities and the 19 of 24 |
of Burma, regardless of their
debate characterize these proceedings
ethnicity, sex and religion are allowed to
which is very different from the
participate in the constitution-
undemocratic SLORC-orchestrated
making process.
national convention. The constitution
is now in its fifth draft. The extent of
consensus we have already built up
is promising and strong proof that the
threat of a Bosnia-like-situation is
minimal. The specter of another Bosnia
is SLORC's propaganda and an
During the past eight years, the ethnic
attempt to frighten the international
resistance movements have suffered
community. We agree with the policy
a lot from SLORC's terrorizing
statement of the National League for
campaign against the ethnic civilian
Democracy (the NLD) which has said
populations and changes in the
that a Panlong-like Convention has to be
geopolitical climate. SLORC has usually
convened to lay down the
practiced a low intensity conflict
principles for a future constitution. Our
strategy in the course of its military
drafting efforts are in preparation
operations against the ethnic resistance
for this opportunity. It is our strong
movements. This strategy is
belief that no constitution can be
known in Burma as the "Four Cuts"
imposed or dictated by any one
program (cutting information, food
organization or institution or any one
supplies, financial support and
group of people. Only when the
recruitment for the resistance
constitution reflects the true aspirations
of the people will there be a long-lasting
A large part of the Four Cuts program
constitution and practical resolution to
has been to isolate the resistance
the current political crises. In order to
movements from the surrounding ethnic
bring this about, we must guarantee
civilian populations. To isolate
an atmosphere in which all the peoples
the resistance groups, the main target of
20 of 24 |
the SLORC's army has been the
also become pools for military porterage
civilian population, not the resistance
or forced labor for SLORC's
groups themselves. SLORC's army
militarily strategic roads. People often
threatens communities in order to make
flee the satellite villages by
them give up their support for the
hiding in the jungles of Burma as
resistance movement and has
internally displaced persons or running
committed thousands of human rights
across the border to Thailand.
abuses, including arbitrary arrests,
torture, rape and summary executions
Today, the horrors for the civilian
population continue. Forced relocations
civilians under the Four Cuts program.
have not stopped. And human rights
abuses against civilians by SLORC
One of Burmese army's major schemes
troops continue to be routine
is the practice of forcibly relocating
throughout Burma.
villages. Orders have been given to
hundreds of thousands of villagers to
move to new areas under the tight
control of the SLORC army. Villagers
are often given less than a week's notice
to relocate. Later, these
abandoned villages are declared free-
The mounting pressures on their
fire zones which means that SLORC's
respective communities and other
army will shoot on sight anyone seen in
the area of the village. In this
resulting from changes in geopolitics
way, entire ethnic populations are being
forced 15 ethnic resistance groups to
uprooted from their native lands
sign cease-fire agreements according to
and traditional ways of livelihood, and
SLORC terms.
scattered in new satellite villages
(actually concentration camps of the
As Daw Aung San Suu Kyi said in her
military). The new relocation sites
video message, however, SLORC's
21 of 24 |
cease-fire agreements merely stop the
Kachin people have begun to face a
shooting. They do not result in
serious problem with increasing
further political dialogue which will
numbers of drugs addicts and related
address the rights of the non-Burman
HIV/AIDS problems. In the Mon area,
ethnic nationalities and their role in the
after the cease-fire, thousands of
future political process.
people have been conscripted for
Promises of regional development in
military porterage and forced labor for
return for cease-fire agreements have
roads and the construction of the Ye-
not materialized either, apart from a few
Tavoy railway, a strategic transport
show-case openings of schools
line for rapid deployment of armed
and hospitals that were heavily
forces to secure a gas pipeline route.
publicized in the SLORC-controlled
When a Mon leader asked the
Commander of the South-Eastern
Foreign humanitarian NGOs have never
been allowed to operate
command to stop the forced labor, he
development projects in cease-fire areas.
replied that the cease-fire agreement
And the worst part of the cease-
was made just between SLORC's army
fires has been the heavy deployment of
and the Mon National Liberation
SLORC troops to consolidate their
Army, and it had nothing to do with the
territorial control; they have acted like
administrative orders of various
an occupation army and continue
levels of SLORC that were carrying out
their human rights violations including
regional development projects.
forced labor and forced relocation
The reply was nonsense because SLORC
campaigns in cease-fire areas.
is the army and the army is the
SLORC. The cease-fire agreement
In the Kachin area, since SLORC troops
between SLORC and the Karenni
took control of all check points on
National Progressive Party (the KNPP),
the border, replacing the Kachin
lasted just three months and broke
Independence Organization, heroin has
down after SLORC did not comply with
freely flowed into Kachin state and the
the Karenni's demand to stop
22 of 24 |
forced labor. Fighting has also recently
cease-fire and non-cease-fire groups--
flared up again between SLORC
which attended the Mae Tha Raw
and the United Wa State Army in
Hta meeting in February of this year.
southern part of the Wa area. These
Based on this political will, the
continuing tensions and problems
Karen National Union (the KNU) took
indicate that cease-fires without
part in four rounds of negotiations
accompanying dialogue on political and
with SLORC. Despite ongoing
human rights issues will not be
negotiations, however, SLORC launched
able to bring long-lasting peace and
stability to Burma.
massive military campaign in Karen
territory and intensified its campaign
of terror against the Karen civilian
population. Karen villagers were
subjected to porterage, torture, rape and
summary executions, and the
abuses continue. People have had to flee
from their villages to escape
The National Democratic Front (the
persecution by the SLORC army. To
NDF) believes that dialogue is the best
date, 20,000 Karen people have fled
means to resolve the political problems
into Thai territory because of the
in Burma, and we fully support the
offensive. Thousands of others are
UN General Assembly resolutions that
internally displaced, still in the jungle
urge SLORC to start a substantive
on the way to the border, unable to
political dialogue, at the earliest possible
flee because SLORC's military columns
time, with Daw Aung San Suu
block their escape. The refugee
Kyi and other political leaders including
population on the Thai-Burmese border
leaders of ethnic groups. This
has now risen to 120,000. These
desire for political dialogue was
people have fled persecution by the
reaffirmed by all the ethnic groups--
SLORC army, and the KNU thanks the
Royal Thai Government for permitting
23 of 24 |
these people to take refuge in the
nationalities are seeking political
border areas of Thailand and the
solutions to the problems in Burma. We
international NGOs for assisting them
are deeply concerned at SLORC's denial
with basic needs.
of political freedoms and its
military campaign against the civilian
Most of the refugees had been staying in
populations throughout Burma. We
border areas for years without
call on the UN Commission on Human
much incident until 1995 when the
Rights to make the strongest
Democratic Karen Buddhist Army (the
possible statements to the Burmese
DKBA) and in some cases combined
regime and work for a UN mediated
forces of the DKBA and the SLORC
substantive political dialogue in Burma.
army attacked refugee camps inside
Finally, we call on the
Thailand. In January of this year, two
international community--UNHCR, the
large refugee camps close to the border
diplomatic community and human
were burnt down by the DKBA and
rights NGOs--to urgently respond to the
SLORC troops making more than 16,000
need for protection of the refugees
refugees homeless. Threats
along the Thai/Burmese border who
continue to be made against the
face a humanitarian crisis and
refugees in Thailand by DKBA and
continuing threats from the SLORC
SLORC troops. All the refugee camps
army. Thank You.
along the border are now very
vulnerable to the cross border attacks
from SLORC and DKBA troops.
Because of this insecure situation, it is
urgently needed to move the refugee
camps to safer places and for UNHCR to
extend protection to the refugees.
In conclusion, I would like to emphasize
that the non-Burma ethnic
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